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hello sir john riley I'm happy to be able to share your story with you and before I apologize I often ask you a lot my challenge as a drummer is more and more and my knowledge is not much but I am still passionate about learning and practicing .. I want to ask you a question? 1. How do I deal with the nature and behavior of someone in a team in the band (I'm tired of the way each player makes a lot of comments and criticisms, sometimes that makes me sad)? 2. As a drummer do I need to learn drumming with a teacher to improve quality as a drummer and be a good band player? 3. How can I as a drummer bring a band that I am playing to be enjoyed by all the audience and the drum punch that I produce is good to hear? 4 does a drummer need to hit a rimshot in each song played in a gig ... if indeed all the punches must be rimshot and what should I do to be able to have a change in becoming a drummer? Thank you, Mr. John Riley, for your success in becoming a drummer
by DionApril 9, 2019 12:08 PM
Hello John, I just recently stumbled upon the youtube video of your Modern Drummer 2011 Festival lessons.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly8e1Bc915U I would love to get my hands on the PDF printout you handed out for this session. Cheers!
by Collin DupuisMarch 22, 2019 1:13 PM
Hi John, Saw you at the Vanguard 2 weeks ago, brilliant!, thank you for the lesson. You make it look very easy. You may remember I have a famous name, John Hammond. I played your Bob Mintzer chart" Like a Child"think it was you. Regards John
by johnFebruary 20, 2019 2:07 PM
Hello John, I am also curious about your tune bot settings. Do you have higher settings for the toms that you like to use?
by DylanFebruary 12, 2019 4:19 AM
hello mister john riley thank you for the input and advice you provided I want to ask you? I play drums at a slow tempo is enough, but why playing on medium tempo is very difficult even though I am going to plan in the future to play at all times 2 do I become a drummer at this time need teacher guidance to move forward in music 3 what should I do when I have decided to become a professional drummer
by AndikaAugust 9, 2018 2:26 PM
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