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Hi John, just wondering how many bars u'll suggest to work on per time when practicing a transcription in order to achieve the best result in regard of internalization. Thank you very much
by yino (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)August 24, 2012 5:44 PM
John will you be at the village vanguard on 9-10- 2012. Thanks Dick Bonenfant, orlando, Fl
by Dick Bonenfant (Orlando, Fl)August 12, 2012 9:55 AM
Hi John, looking forward to your visit to Melbourne in August. Just wondering if you have time to play any other venues apart from the AUD Weekend? Cheers, Aaron
by Aaron Waide (Melbourne)July 23, 2012 12:35 AM
John thank for your time you gave me during my lesson with you in Orlando last Friday. I had a great time Dick Bonenfant
by Dick Bonenfant (Orlando, Fl)July 17, 2012 11:52 AM
Hi John, I read your article on tuning drums. I understand that you can either tune top and bottom heads the same, or the top higher or lower then the bottom head. You mentioned tuning the resonate head a minor 3rd lower or higher the batter head. How do you achieve that? I'm using a drum dial. I also have an Evens Torque key that I'm still learning how to use. Please write me back and explain how you tune it a minor 3rd lower or higher. I'm guessing you have to know what note to tune the batter head to. I might need to know how to do that too.
by Christian Russell (Tulsa, OK)June 11, 2012 8:49 PM
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