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Are you playing at The Village Vanguard Monday, 04/09/12? I'm a friend of Joel Fulgham's from Houston Texas and in town for a few days. It's entirely possible my wires got crossed but my wife and I made plans to hear and see you. We actually got our tickets in advance some time ago. Honestly, I thought we had our ducks lined up in a row.
by Cary Kuperman (The Wellington Hotel, Manhattan )April 8, 2012 10:57 PM
Hi - impossible question here - I want to get a new drum set (getting tired of teh pearls I've playing for 20 years). Tehre are so many good sets out there now - do you have a prefernece and why? Thanks and Regards Wil
by Wil Saint (USA - Connecticut)March 30, 2012 10:11 AM
Hello Mr. Riley, I'd like to know if you will play in Italy next spring-summer 2012. Congratulations for your books, I'm starting to read. Thanks and Regards.
by Giovanni Lombardi (Italy)February 13, 2012 7:20 AM
Hey John, Just got the MD 2011 festival DVD. I bought it spicifically for you clinic(masterclass). Really ejoyed your presentation! However a little disapointed the handout was not included in the ebook, only selections of it is. Is there any way of getting a copy of the full hand out? Thanks for all of your wonderful drumming! Cheers!
by Steve Hiscox (ottawa ont Canada)February 10, 2012 11:55 AM
John, thanks for bringing the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra to Madison, WI, for yesterday's clinic and concert. You guys sounded fantastic and gave super good advice in the clinic! Thanks for all your excellent books, cd's, and DVD's, too. They have helped me tremendously to improve my drumming and musical skills.
by Rich Larson (Madison, WI, USA)February 5, 2012 3:12 PM
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